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How Those Around You Influence Your Success

Growing up were you surrounded by those happy with the way things were going or with a household of high achievers. How would your perspective be different today? You can’t change your past, but you can influence your future by choosing the people in your life carefully. The people that surround you influence your beliefs and expectations. They also impact your future.

Surround yourself with supportive high-achievers:
  1. People can be either supportive or unsupportive. I don’t know about you, but have you noticed how some people wish you luck and then sabotage your efforts? This can be true of almost anything — your education, your fitness, or your job/business. Most of the people in your life want you to do well, as long as you aren’t doing significantly better than they are. Have you ever heard these statements after announcing a new goal or plan? These statements are more discouraging and helpful“Are you sure you want to do that? Remember that time you wanted to _______ and it didn’t work out?”
  2. “What will you do if your business idea fails? You’ll be out on the street.”
  3. “I could never lose that much weight. I like eating Twinkies too much. It would be horrible to follow a diet for that long.”
  4. Gain access to new people. Those around you can introduce you to new people. A new friend might ultimately become your mentor or valued business contact. Every person you know already knows lots of people that you don’t know. These not yet known people might become valuable resources for you.
  5. The people around you can teach you new things. Everyone you know has something to teach you. Are you hanging out with the right people to learn the things you need to know?
  6. Those that you spend time with influence your attitude and expectations. You can’t help but be influenced by those around you. It has said that you can’t rise above the success of the five people with whom you spend the most time. You can learn a lot about success from your social network. Take a look around you and see what is impacting your life.
Could this be you?
  • Imagine you’re a real estate agent, and you’re spending time with the most successful real estate agent in your city. You earned $100,000 last year, and she earned $1,000,000.
  • Each day you call five expired listings and send 50 postcards each week to potential new clients. You learn that your new friend calls every expired listing each day and sends out thousands of notes each week. She has two full-time assistants to handle her incredible workload.
  • She’s also doing forms of marketing you’ve never even considered.
  • Consider how this can change your life. You suddenly realize that you’re not working nearly as hard or as creatively as you could be. It’s an eye-opening experience. Makes you want to increase your hustle.
Choose the people you spend time with carefully

The people around you matter. With who are you spending the most time? Are you choosing to spend time with those that inspire and support you? Are you spending time with people that struggle with life and sabotage your best efforts to excel?

You have the power to choose the people that get most of your time. When you choose intelligently, you’ll experience higher levels of success. Be with those that value your time.  Then see how your life is changing.


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