Welcome to Introverted Prosperity!
We’re so glad you’re here! Are you an introvert who would like the rest of the world to hear your voice and your unique needs rather than getting drowned out by those around you? Do you wish everyone could more easily see your more subtle extroverted qualities? Have you been “faking it until you make it” for most of your life? Don’t worry – you aren’t the only one. Introverts around the globe experience this daily – myself included! The real question to ask is, why aren’t we comfortable being ourselves? We need to be more mindful of the ways that we communicate our thoughts and our feelings if we want the world to see us as we are – introversion and all.
You have probably heard one of the following phrases at least once – “Why are you so quiet?” “You’re so serious and reserved.” I know that those who say these things mean well and want to make us feel more comfortable, but sometimes we can’t help but feel like these statements shine a light on a flaw in how we show up in the world.
I think people are starting to understand what introverts have always known — quiet contemplation and peaceful tranquility play important roles in all our lives. This change in society’s way of thinking is allowing introverts everywhere to come out of the shadows and own their introversion. Do you have a firm understanding of where you are now and where you would like to be and how your introversion contributes to this?
We are all pursuing a life of intention and happiness. Sometimes, this pursuit sucks the life right out of us. When we are not living authentically, we feel that there has to be more to living an intentional life than living in an environment that is not helping us meet our dreams and goals. I have big dreams, and my goals are bold. The two are not mutually exclusive – introverts can have both.
Each human has a purpose to fulfill in their lifetime. We all have important work to complete. We can do it! We are enough to make our dreams become our realities.
To live out our dreams, we must try to be more open and authentic in our lives. When I’m feeling overwhelmed and unsure regarding a decision, I try to ask myself the following two questions:
Am I open to stepping out of my routine and trying something new? (It doesn’t have to be life-changing. Start with something small.)
Am I willing to say yes to something that, in the past, I answered with a “no”? (Sometimes we say no to protect our sanity; however, there are times when we say no as a defense mechanism.)
These two questions help us to be honest with ourselves and allow us to live authentically while keeping us focused on our dreams and goals.
You can have the life you have always dreamed of on your terms! I’m here to help you create it!
Join me, and together we can confidently show the world our introversion!
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